short sanskrit quotes sanskrit tattoo ideas
Short Sanskrit Quotes are beautiful but very hard to write. Sanskrit tattos and quotes will make you feel proud too of belonging to the land where the language originated. People all over the world have been using sanskrit tattoo as symbol of peace. Sanskrit tattoos are very complex but attractive.
sanskrit one liner contain big meaning in a small word. People using this type of one status and sanskrit tattoo to express their inner voice. The most popular and cool tattoo ideas for people in India are the these tattoo designs. you will find amazing short status, images , tatto ideas and sanskrit sloka here.
अहिंसा परमो धर्मः। (Ahimsa Paramo Dharmaḥ)
English meaning: Non-violence is the highest virtue.
Hindi meaning: अहिंसा सबसे उच्च धर्म है।
सत्यमेव जयते। (Satyameva Jayate)
English meaning: Truth alone triumphs.
Hindi meaning: सत्य ही विजयी होता है।
वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्। (Vasudhaiva Kuṭumbakam)
English meaning: The world is one family.
Hindi meaning: दुनिया एक परिवार है।
अयं बन्धुरयं नेति गणना लघुचेतसाम्। (Ayaṃ bandhurayaṃ nēti gaṇanā laghucētasām)
English meaning: This is a friend, this is not a friend, this is the calculation of small minds.
Hindi meaning: यह मित्र है, यह मित्र नहीं है, यह छोटे दिमागों की गणना है।
उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैः। (Udyamena hi sidhyanti kāryāṇi na manorathaiḥ)
English meaning: Efforts, not desires, lead to success.
Hindi meaning: सफलता के लिए इच्छाओं की बजाय कोशिशों की आवश्यकता होती है।
विद्याविनयसम्पन्ने ब्राह्मणे गवि हस्तिनि। (Vidyāvinayasampanne brāhmaṇe gavi hastini)
English meaning: In a learned and humble Brahmin, in a cow and in an elephant, there is the same divinity.
Hindi meaning: ज्ञानी और विनम्र ब्राह्मण, गाय और हाथी में एक ही दिव्यता होती है।
सर्वेषां स्वस्तिर्भवतु। (Sarveṣāṃ Svastirbhavatu)
English meaning: May everyone be happy and prosperous.
Hindi meaning: सभी को सुखी और समृद्ध बनाये
असतो मा सद्गमय। (Asato Mā Sadgamaya)
English meaning: Lead me from the unreal to the real.
Hindi meaning: मुझे असत्य से सत्य की ओर ले चलो।
आत्मनो मोक्षार्थम् जगत् हिताय च। (Ātmano Mokṣārtham Jagat Hitāya Ca)
English meaning: For one’s own salvation and for the welfare of the world.
Hindi meaning: अपने मुक्ति और संसार के हित के लिए।
श्रेयान्स्वधर्मो विगुणः परधर्मात्स्वनुष्ठितात्। (Śrēyānsvadharmaḥ Vigunaḥ Paradharmātsvanuṣṭhitāt)
English meaning: It is better to perform one’s own duty imperfectly than to perform another’s duty perfectly.
Hindi meaning: अपना धर्म अधूरा निभाना दूसरों के धर्म को पूर्णतया निभाने से बेहतर है।
यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः। (Yato Dharmaḥ Tato Jayah)
English meaning: Where there is Dharma (righteousness), there is victory.
Hindi meaning: जहां धर्म होता है वहां विजय होती है।
आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः। (Ā No Bhadrāḥ Kratavo Yantu Viśvataḥ)
English meaning: Let noble thoughts come to us from all directions.
Hindi meaning: हमें सभी दिशाओं से उच्च विचारों की प्राप्ति हो।
अहं ब्रह्मास्मि। (Ahaṃ Brahmāsmi)
English meaning: I am Brahman (the ultimate reality).
Hindi meaning: मैं ब्रह्म हूँ।
Sanskrit quotes

निष्ठा, स्थिरता और सत्य।

पूरी धरती एक परिवार है ।

सिंह अपने आप ही राजा होता है।

Short sanskrit quotes
अस्माकं कार्याणि अस्मान्सावधीकरिष्यंति
Only action will define us.
एम् एन् सत्यं प्रेम
My true love.
अहमस्मि योधः
I am a fighter.
शाश्वतं जीवनम् , अमरं प्रेम
Eternal Life, Undying Passion.
शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
Strength comes from an indomitable will.
सदैव देवत्वं दर्शयामि
I always manifest divinity.
एकं जीवनम्, एकः अवसरः
One life one chance.
Feel free to comment one liner if you have any, we will update it in this artical.
Awesome post
Ram bhi bhot hain duniya me bharosa kahaniyo ka kehta hai…
Kuch alag sa hona cahiye bcz rajput kuch alg the kuch big bcz sab bhul gye hai Rajput logo ko unke sacrifice bhi nahi pta new generation rajput Rajput Karti rahti hai but right meaning koi nahi janta
Bahut piche ja rha hai rajputana
Excellent all Speech.
Service to god till death
Change to Sanskrit plz
देवसेवा जीवनन्तं कुरु
अहमस्मि योध: is
Awesome ……
बहुत हि अध्भुत है ये , प्रसन्नता हुइ कि हमारी युवा पीडी हमारी प्राचीन भाषा (संस्कृत) को बडावा दे रहि है। आप अच्छा कर रहे है। ओर् इसी तरह् करते रहे।
Good job for doing Sanskrit short slogan,
It is usefull as label in our school classroom organization company where we write it in English instead of Sanskrit
We have to use and try to noted it in Sanskrit in replace of English slogan everywhere
What are the sources ..??U didn’t mentioned any of them
Bahot hi Sundar aur Adbhut. Aap bohot hi achchha kaarya kar rahe hai. Aur aage bhi karte rahiye. JAI SHREE KRISHNA RADHE RADHE

एक सामाईक विविध क्षेत्रात अद्भूत कार्य करणार्या व्यक्तिमत्त्वा साठी सन्मान पत्र देवभाषेत (संस्कृत) ड्राफ्ट करून द्या..
Ishwar Chaudhari
Happy to see this
Very Nice step taken by you
You are doing good work.Loved the quotes
We have to prove it to the world why we are the super powers
Yatin Mishra
Hi you guys are doing great work, I need a small favor “Keep up the good work” can you guys please translate this phrase in sanskrit, it’ll be very helpful to me, thanks you

सदृशं कार्यं कुरु or सदैव सुचरितं कुरु
wonderful quotes…guidelines of Life… Must be followed and most essence in the present day to everyone…
We should make #sanskrittrend sanskrit iz not language this iz our cultures, religions….
અતિ અદ્ભૂતમ્
यदिहस्ति तदन्यत्र यन्नेहस्ति न तत्वचित्
Great information you have shared. few words are so unique and very common in daily uses. Keep it up
Worderful as well as quite Meaningful Sanskrut Quotes.
Please share the source of these sayings, which ones are from Vedas and which are from Gita etc