Ganesha images with quotes in hindi
Ganesha Images with Quotes in Hindi have become a popular way to share the blessings and wisdom of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the god of new beginnings. These images, adorned with beautiful Hindi quotes, are often shared on social media platforms during festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi or for general inspiration. The quotes typically emphasize Ganesha’s qualities such as wisdom, prosperity, and success. By combining powerful visuals with meaningful messages, these Ganesha images with quotes in Hindi serve as a source of motivation, spiritual guidance, and a reminder of Ganesha’s divine presence in everyday life.
Explore Inspiring Ganesha Images and Quotes in Hindi for Every Occasion
Jay Shree Ganesh! Download stunning Ganesha images with quotes in Hindi, including exclusive Ganapati images and quotes that are hard to find elsewhere. Discover a range of Lord Gajanan status images, quotes, and more. Find Ganesh Chaturthi wishes images, and delve into Hindi, Marathi, and Sanskrit quotes dedicated to Lord Ganesha. We are presenting a collection of amazing Ganesh status images and Ganpati quote wallpapers. Explore Shree Ganesh pictures, wishes images, and more, including Hindu god images, Ganesha stuti, and Lord Ganesha shlokas.
Ganesha images with quotes
You can find here amazing lord ganesha images and quotes. Also find the perfect ganesha status in hindi and sanskrit. Get the beautiful pictures and creative photo with mantras. Ganpati mantra images with a beautiful ganesh picture. comment your favourite ganpati sloka, manta and stuti. You can also check mahankal images.
Lord ganpati wallpapers
Bouquet of ganesha images with awesome hindi quotes. This ganesh chaturthi we present you some of the best wallpapes of lord ganpati. Visit also hindu festival images for more images. If you want to post your own images and quotes or sloka, please comment. We also appreciate your support regarding this post.

गणेश श्लोक का हिंदी अर्थ
वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ । निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा ॥
हे गज के सामान विशालकाय जिनका तेज सूर्य की सहस्त्र किरणों के समान हैं। मेरा समस्त कार्य बिना किसी बाधा के पूर्ण हो और सदा ही मेरे लिए शुभ हो ऐसी कामना करता हु ।

नमामि देवं सकलार्थदं तं सुवर्णवर्णं भुजगोपवीतम्ं। गजाननं भास्करमेकदन्तं लम्बोदरं वारिभावसनं च॥
मैं उन भगवान् गजानन की वन्दना करता हूँ, जो समस्त कामनाओं को पूर्ण करनेवाले हैं । सुवर्ण तथा सूर्य के समान देदीप्यमान कान्ति से चमक रहे हैं । सर्पका यज्ञोपवीत धारण करते हैं, एकदन्त हैं, लम्बोदर हैं तथा कमल के आसनपर विराजमान हैं ।
एकदन्तं महाकायं लम्बोदरगजाननम्ं। विध्ननाशकरं देवं हेरम्बं प्रणमाम्यहम्॥
जो एक दाँत से सुशोभित हैं, विशाल शरीरवाले हैं । लम्बोदर हैं, गजानन हैं तथा जो विघ्नोंके विनाशकर्ता हैं । मैं उन दिव्य भगवान् हेरम्बको प्रणाम करता हूँ ।
शुक्लाम्बरधरं देवं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् । प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥
सभी विघ्नों को हटाने के लिए, श्वेत कपड़े पहने भगवान गणेश का ध्यान करना चाहिए। जिनका वर्ण चन्द्रमा का सा है, जिनकी चार भुजाएं हैं, तथा जो प्रसन्न रहते हैं।

मूषिकवाहन् मोदकहस्त चामरकर्ण विलम्बित सूत्र । वामनरूप महेश्वरपुत्र विघ्नविनायक पाद नमस्ते ॥
हे भगवान जिनका वाहन चूहा है, जिनके हाथ में मोदक (लड्डू) है । जिनके कान बड़े पन्खों की समान हैं, और जो पवित्र धागा धारण किए हुए हैं। जिनका रूप छोटा तथा जो महेश्वर के पुत्र हैं । जो सभी विघ्नों को हरने वाले हैं, मैं आपके चर्णों में वन्दना करता हूँ।

Salutations to Lord Ganapati
Immerse yourself in the divine energy of Lord Ganesha with our collection of Ganesha images with quotes in Hindi. These images not only showcase the beloved deity in various forms but also feature profound Sanskrit chants that invoke his blessings. One such chant is:
“ॐ गण गणपतये नमः।”
This powerful mantra translates to “Salutations to Lord Ganapati,” honoring his role as the remover of obstacles and the god of wisdom. Including this chant alongside inspiring Ganesha images enhances their spiritual significance, making them a perfect way to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi or seek Ganesh’s guidance and protection in your daily life. Explore our selection for uplifting quotes and serene visuals that capture the essence of Lord Ganesha.
Jay shree ganesh
ganpati bappa morya
ganpati bappa morya
ganpati bappa morya……..
Very nice images
jai ganesh..
Ganpati bappa morya, moriya re moriaya …
jai ganesh
अमेयाय च हेरम्ब परशुधारकाय ते ।
मूषक वाहनायैव विश्वेशाय नमो नमः ॥
जय श्री गणेशाय नमः! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏